How to RcmdrPlugin.UCA?
There are different options available to get and run RcmdrPlugin.UCA depending on your operating system and the version of the package you want to install.
Installing R-UCA package
If you are using a recent version of Microsoft Windows the easy way to install R, R-Commander, and RcmdrPlugin.UCA is installing R-UCA package. In this way RcmdrPlugin.UCA will be loaded automatically when you run R.
In the page of R-UCA project there is additional information about the project and the R-UCA package.
Installing from cran
The version of the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package available at cran could be newer than the version in the R-UCA package. So you can also use this method to update the version of the RcmdrPlugin.UCA if you have installed the R-UCA package.
Install the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package in the same way that you install any other R package.
A standard procedure is to enter and run the command install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.UCA")
in R console and follow the instructions. Depending on the version of the other installed package this method might fail or require additional actions.
To use the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package is enough to load it in the same way as any other package. This will run the GUI R-Commander if it is not running previously.
Development version
The newest version of the package is available at R-forge and github. Install this version of package if you want to try the lastest available features.
To install the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package from R-forge enter and execute in the R console the command install.packages('RcmdrPlugin.UCA', repos = c('", ''), dep = TRUE)
To do the same but from github enter and run in R console the commanddevtools::install_github('MMunozMarquez/RcmdrPlugin.UCA')
Running RcmdrPlugin.UCA
To use the RcmdrPlugin.UCA package is enough to load it in the same way as any other package. This will run the GUI R-Commander if it is not running previously.