Version 5.1-1 |
2022-05-03 |
- New "Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for two samples..." option in "Non parametric test" menu.
Version 4.5-1 |
2021-10-22 |
- Dialog windows of multiple charts have been relayout and new options have been included.
Version 4.4-3 |
2021-04-02 |
- New options in "Quatility control" menu for p, np, c, u, xbar, R and S charts, first and second phase.
Version 4.3-4 |
2021-03-01 |
- Fixed a bug that prevented menu loading
Version 4.3-3 |
2021-02-24 |
- New "Quality control" menu with "Pareto chart" option.
Version 4.2-5 |
2018-10-16 |
- Minor changes in vignettes and demos.
Version 4.2-4 |
2018-06-12 |
- Minor bug solve in variance test.
Version 4.1-4 |
2018-04-09 |
- Just a new compilation to make it compatible with new version of car.
Version 4.1-2 |
2017-10-06 |
- The entry "Input data and predict..." in "Models menu" now add the name of the active model to the name of the new predicted variable.
- Minor changes in help.
Version 4.1-1 |
2017-05-22 |
- Translation into Spanish of new strings.
- New option in menu to build confidence interval and test the variance from one normal population.
- New entries in help for menu entry "Predict using active model".
- New entries in help for menu entries "Randomness test for two level factor..." and "Randomness test for numeric variable...".
Version 3.1-2 |
2016-09-15 |
- Examples and demo added to the package.
Version 3.0-1 |
2016-09-09 |
- Two new options added in "Models menu" to fit values using current model.
Version 2.0-5 |
2016-01-12 |
Version 2.0-4 |
2015-06-10 |
Version 2.0-3 |
2015-06-10 |
- The option "Drop unused factor levels" has been moved to Rcmdr so dropped from this package.
- Two options for randomness test has been added to Rcmdr menu. One for numeric variable and the other for two level factor.
Version 1.0-2 |
2013-10-18 |
Version 1.0-1 |
2012-03-12 |
- Changes in package load function.
- ChangeLog file added.
Version 1.0-0 |
2011-12-02 |
- Firsts version.
- "Drop unused factor levels" option has been added to Rcmdr menu.
Last modified: Saturday, 7 May 2022, 9:34 PM