Welcome, the web app and the course Problemas de dietas - Proyecto Mercury II about Diet Problems developed as part of the signature Programación Matemática give in Universidad de Cádiz.

This app take a foodstuffs list and a serial of subjects&##39; nutritional requests, to create the bases for a diet for one day.


On the left side you find the screen from which your be able to execute all the available options.

1. How to load an example

To load an app example choose Load example, select any of shows and click on Go button to execute the order. Once loaded the example, in the tab Data you find the problem matrix, where will find all the foodstuff considered in the problem, just as the nutritional requests.

When the example is loaded you will be able to see in Results tab the problem solution.

2. Modify an example

The example loaded data can be modify in many ways. It must be consider that the columns shows at the beginning has to exist to could have a solution. Any new column can be created and modified as you wish.

On the other hand when you modify a row, must take in count that the problem restrictions are a sub-matrix fixed to the database, therefore has to take care to delete by accident any restriction row.

The cells may be modify as well and this allow to generate new categories kinds. This news categories must verify:

  • The number which represent it have to be consecutive to the last.(For example, one new category must be 5 in the examples included in the app.)
  • Must exist, at least, two elements in this new category.

3 Create a new example

The examples can be created throw the cells, rows and columns edition, but if you want, the csv format can be used to create those in an easy way. To this, choose Reset. It generate a empty file, with the structure the problem must have. Select Download data to obtain this file. Once modified, just load it in the app with Load data and it will be executed with normality.

The example Base_Completa contain all the foodstuffs used in the others examples.



  • Professor: Manuel Muñoz Márquez (manuel.munoz@uca.es)

  • Students:

    • José Ianko Astilleros Bernáldez (joseianko.astillerosbernaldez@alum.uca.es)
    • Pablo Ramírez Puertas (pablo.ramirezpuertas@alum.uca.es)
    • Isaac Núñez Marín (isaac.nunezmarin@alum.uca.es)

This app has been developed with Rstudio with the package Shiny and published with GNU-GPL (>=3) licence.

This work is part of the Proyecto R-Uca