

  1. Select the area about which you want to obtain information.
  2. Choose the information that you want to display in at least one of the drop-downs.
  3. You can enter the name of a initial location to display the map around it.
  4. You can choose a final location and the path between the two locations and details of it will be displayed.
  5. Click on the icons to get detailed information on each point.

Available maps:

  • Interactive maps with fuel prices in Spain:
    1. Diesel A
    2. Gasoline 95 E5
    The data is taken in real time from the gas station geoportal of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The data is updated in said portal daily.
    The price of fuel is displayed by hovering the mouse over the circle corresponding to the service station. In addition, a color code that goes from dark green (the cheapest) to dark red (the most expensive) indicates the price level of the service station within all the Spanish ones.
    In addition, by clicking on the circle the data of the station is obtained, such as the address and the time.
  • Mobility by bicycle in Seville with real-time data:
    1. Sevici Stations: The data source is the open data portal of ESRI. Approximate address is provided.
    2. Park bicycles: The data source is the portal of the Management of Urbanism and Environment of the city of Seville. The address and total number of rings are provided for each bike rack.

Note: All information displayed here is obtained from external sources, the author is not responsible for the accuracy of the information displayed.

Developed using shiny by M. Muñoz-Márquez under GNU-GPL licence.

There is a forum available to make question and suggestions, and more information.

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Versión española