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Installation of R and Rcmdr: R-UCA Package for Ubuntu

The package R-UCA for Ubuntu is a metapackage for install R, R-Commander and some general purpose R package.

Some advantages of the use of R-UCA for Windows are:

  • One installation for R, R-Commander y the other included packages.
  • The packages puts R icons on system menus.

This packages is developed under the colaboration of Spanish R-UCA Project and Free Software Office of Cádiz University.

Easy installation

Download the package from paquete r-uca and follow the instructions.

Remark: is an stable link to the latest version of the package.

Current Release

Actually the development of the package is in beta status.

Survey about R-UCA package

We appreciate very much your opinion if you fills in our survey about R-UCA package

Windows Release

There is also available a windows version of the package at R-UCA package.


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