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instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackageubuntu [2009/06/26 18:36]
mmarquez creado
instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackageubuntu [2013/05/23 06:00] (actual)
mmarquez Instructions for synaptic added
Línea 8: Línea 8:
 This packages is developed under the colaboration of [[spanish_r_uca_project|Spanish R-UCA Project]] and [[|Free Software Office]] of Cádiz University. This packages is developed under the colaboration of [[spanish_r_uca_project|Spanish R-UCA Project]] and [[|Free Software Office]] of Cádiz University.
 +====Easy installation====
 +Download the package from [[|paquete r-uca]] and follow the instructions.
 +**Remark:** [[]] is an stable link to the latest version of the package.
 +==== Installation using "synaptic package manager" ====
 +=== Add new packages repository ===
 +    - Start the synaptic package manager
 +    - Select "Configuration -> Repositories"
 +    - Select the tab "Other software"
 +    - Click on "Add..."
 +    - Paste the source for your current SO:
 +       - "deb raring main" for ubuntu raring (ubuntu 13.04)
 +       - "deb oneiric main" for ubuntu oneiric (ubuntu 11.04)
 +       - "deb lucid main" for lucid (ubuntu 10.4 o Guadalinex V7)
 +       - "deb karmic main" for karmic
 +       - "deb jaunty main" for jaunty or Guadalinex V6.
 +    - Click on "+ Add source"
 +   - Click on "Close"
 +   - Click on "Reload"
 +=== Installation of R-UCA package===
 +   - Look for "r-uca" package and select it for installation.
 +   - Click on "Apply"
 +**Note**: The package is updated only for the last version of ubuntu.
 +**Note**: The package for R on linux will be //compiled//  during installation so it can take a very long time.
 ==== Current Release ==== ==== Current Release ====
Línea 13: Línea 43:
 Actually the development of the package is in beta status. Actually the development of the package is in beta status.
-===== Windows Release =====+===== Survey about R-UCA package ===== 
 +We appreciate very much your opinion if you fills in our [[|survey about R-UCA package]] 
 +===== Windows Release=====
-There is also available the [[instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackageubuntu|Ubuntu release of R-UCA package]].+There is also available a windows version of the package at [[instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackage|R-UCA package]].
 ---- ----
 [[r-uca-u|Spanish]] [[r-uca-u|Spanish]]

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