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instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackage [2016/09/21 12:01]
mmarquez [Releases]
instalacion_de_r_y_rcmdr:rucapackage [2016/09/21 12:06] (actual)
mmarquez [Changelog]
Línea 45: Línea 45:
 ==== Changelog ==== ==== Changelog ====
 +   * Version 3.3.1: It includes 3.3.1 release of R, 2.3-0 release of R-Commander and 3.1-2 release of RcmdrPlugin.UCA (This package allows randomness test and to make prediction of values using previously builded models.)
 +  * Version 3.2.2: It includes 3.2.2 release of R and an updated translation to spanish of R-Commander
 +  * Version 3.2.0: It includes 3.2.0 release of R and 2.0-4 release of RcmdrPlugin.UCA to make randomness test
 +  * Versión 3.0.1: Incluye la versión 3.0.1 de R.
   * Version 14.2: It includes 14.2 release of R, an updated version of translation of R-Commander into Spanish and new packages: [[|RcmdrPlugin.Export]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.orloca]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.survival]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.SurvivalT]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.UCA]], [[|sem]]   * Version 14.2: It includes 14.2 release of R, an updated version of translation of R-Commander into Spanish and new packages: [[|RcmdrPlugin.Export]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.orloca]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.survival]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.SurvivalT]], [[|RcmdrPlugin.UCA]], [[|sem]]
   * Version 14.0: It includes 14.0 release of R.   * Version 14.0: It includes 14.0 release of R.
   * Version 12.1: It includes 12.1 release of R, includes the packages pROC and fix the problem with the selection of the language in Windows 7.   * Version 12.1: It includes 12.1 release of R, includes the packages pROC and fix the problem with the selection of the language in Windows 7.

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